Even the unpolished shoes look beautiful.

Aparajit Dharwadkar: ...First day in L.K.G. Sitting in the school bus on the last seat with his mom. My dad asked me to share my chocolate..i gave him a Gems and he gave me a Double Decker. Spent a lot of time together with him at his Dhankawadi house and then at Bajirao road house where we played Gilli Danda and ate lunch savouring his mom's pickles and his younger brother who used to pinch me a lot. We used to burn thermocol for fun and throw it onto the roof at his Hirabaug house. Is an engineer now in mumbai and he gave me a call out of the blue one fine morning and wanted me to rush down to Mumbai for a weekend or he would rush down to Nagar to see me. Fine young lad, this one, he is one fine lad.
Pritam Dodeja: Anything about this fellow that i write would be less. Is in the U.S. for the last 14 years and i happened to contact him by sheer chance. As kids in Pune, we had membership at the same library near my place at Sahakarnagar. He still remembers the wicker swing he used to sit in at my place and read Mandrake and Tintin comics. Touched a computer for the first time at his place and went on to play Dig-dug, Space invaders of commodore 64. Blew bubbles from his balcony and got soaked in soap water. He used to make good bullseyes and when we had days off we used to hire upto five video cassettes from the local cassette library and i remember crying when he wanted to hire 'Ghost' cause i was really afraid of ghosts but it turned out to be a good movie with Patrick Swayze as the ghost. His video game of crocodiles which worked on solar and me and Aparya would stand in the afternoon sun vigorously punching the keys of the video game. Did borrow the book 'Knightrider' which was confiscated by Aradhye madam in fifth standard and that gave me tormented nights until the day she said she had returned it. He used to call Vishal 'Bowling ka Vishlayshan'. Was a natural in table tennis. Me, he and Aparya left Muktangan at the end of 7th Standard. More than an year ago when his parents visited Pune, i did notice that his mom was looking exactly the same maybe seemed even younger.
Nikhil Khedkar: Me and Nikhil. Sitting on the last bench we used to draw cowboys and machine guns on rough books and also fight with Reynolds pen. He was with me in Bose House, i think. Was always a good cricketer. Aparajit told me that they were together in the college football team, Aparya as right back and Nikhil as left back. Engineer by profession. Doing Phd in NY. Here is his webpage which has a self-portrait and if i'm not mistaken it means that he has drawn it himself.
Nikhil Deo: Was Rahul's good friend in 7th Standard and had a queer walking style and a geeky smile always on his face.
Rahul Bidkar: His favourite songs were from the movie Padosan. He could blow his hair by blowing upwards.I think he is in West Lafayette, Indiana. I still remember him get off the bus and say tata with his mom way back in 1st standard. His mom hasn't changed a bit. He hasn't changed a bit. The mango tree in his backyard hasn't changed a bit. I still have his Bhutan stamps.
Ajay Joshi: Got local social worker award in Sahakarnagar. Currently staying somewhere near Sinhagad road.
Sudarshan: I don't know if he still remembers me but i remember his 6th grade science project of a robot with blinking eyes.
Nikhil Pote: Rich fellow. Used to bring wonderful compass boxes to school. Standing 2nd from top left corner beside Vineet Dabak, i haven't heard from this lad for a long long time.
Amit Bhagwat: Last met at inter-collegiate chess and was doing good too but as far as i know he wasn't too serious about anything in school.
Ashish Deshpande: He used to stand behind me during the school assembly and while singing the National Anthem we, in the front, would sing the following part screaming out loud "Tava shubha namey jagey, tava shubha Ashish Magey' hahaha.
Anurag was the silent type and soft-spoken.
Sachin Gandhi: He fought with me in 6th grade over Superman comics. But we did play cricket together back then.
Aditya Gokhale: Was the intelligent pupil and teachers favourite।
Prachi Bhavalkar : Found her at last. Is in England working in R & D of Nokia UK Ltd. She did her masters in communications systems engineering from Portsmouth University and also managed to find herself as an ambassadorial scholar on the full front cover of the award winning bimonthly magazine of the Rotary club of Hythe & District in November 2004. Is in England for the last five years (i am writing about her on Feb 4, 2009) and her mom calls her Kanchi and her dad says she gets bored when in India and doesn't spend more than ten days here, usually, during Diwali.
Anuradha Gadre: The girl who went to Japan in 6th standard and came back and spoke to the class about how she spent time with Pakistani students there and how they are not too different from us. Was doing Ph.D in Mathematics.
Yogita Dastane:- Got teacher's favourite prize from Katdare madam in 4th standard and Aparya used to say that she would play Basketball in Junior College. We do become old but the kid in us still has the halo above. Is currently in Brooklyn, New York working as an architect and designer.
Meghana Bhagwat : Tall girl. Now, if you look at the picture above, it's not too difficult to figure out that she was the teachers favourite in 3rd Standard. Iyer Madam, our class teacher and my mother conspired to make me studious. My mom found Meghana, took me to her place to study, borrow books and any other way to make her kid a genius. I did remember that she had a sister. And all it takes is the dust to settle for you to be in the clear. Found her on Orkut recently. Is in Newark, working, after completing her M.S. in engineering.
Arundhati Bhide: Did Diploma in French with me from the department of foreign languages and was very studious too. I think i know where she lives.
Deepti Hinge: There is a blank deepti hinge webpage and there aren't too many ways to track this person except if one does check on the bus that goes to Hinjewadi everyday carrying employees of Infosys in Pune. She did complete her engineering from VIT alongwith Meghana and it's a small world after all.
Vikrant Argade: Remember him as the guy who poured drinking water all over himself in L.K.G. Is creative head of a media company.
Vishal Kulkarni: Pritam used to call him bowling ka vishleshan. Happened to meet him in 2004 while waiting to buy a ticket at Dadar Deluxe Bus Stop. Working in banking software in Mumbai.
Yeshwant Inamdar: Joined Muktangan in 2nd standard. Damya gave Dulloo madam a rose on teachers day and she remembered her brother in Kashmir and started crying. Is in San Diego, CA. And check out his first successful Tandem Sky-diving attempt.
Radhakrishna Batule: Was a sprinter in school. Good fella. Got SAI scholarship in school. Last heard was doing Bsc Computer Science from Fergusson College. Aparya said he was seen sprinting on Fergusson College grounds last time around when he had seen 'Raddhad'
Ajit Athavale: Do well remember how as a kid he would pee in the pants everytime Indoria madam scolded him or walked in his direction! He is currently working in Pune as Head of Design Dept. in Power Electronics.
Vineet Dabak: Was doing Engineering. Was very bad at drawing in school. But very disciplined. And had a good stamp collection. We used to do combined study back then. Played good badminton too.
Anjum Bagwan: Remember going to her house in Dhankawadi when i was a kid. Was a fighter in class and Vineet Kulkarni used to be punished and asked to sit next to her.
Neelam Deshmukh: Third from left in the first row of girls from below. That's Neelam for you and she is in Pune and currently working with Zensar Technologies and into MIS operations. 
Prajakta Ghole: The tiniest girl in our class with the chirpiest laugh now has a baby sweetly called Avaneesh and is currently working for Kanbay.
Deepti Advant: Well, i do distinctly remember her voice as a kid. One of the front-deskers in the class. Usually, 3rd row 2nd bench. She is married to a good fella named Neeraj and is in the U.S.
Manasi Upshankar and Pallavi Ghui are the only other girls i remember.
Anand S. Joshi and Anand V. Joshi: Don't really know where they are but i did see a resume of an Anand Joshi who was willing to work anywhere but India:) What's wrong with India lads?
Niraj Kulkarni: Narya as we called him. His father is a Chartered Accountant and he did help me once in college days. Narya is an engineer and i think he did some bodybuilding during college days.
Ashutosh Deshpande: Toshya as we called him, did a diploma i think, and Aparya said Toshya's sister was married recently.
Nikhil Jathar: Where is this boy?
Indrajeet: Does anybody recollect his surname.. Solanki i think. Could've been a kid boxer. Prachi... thanks.. It's Indrajeet Sarnobat guys
Vineet Kulkarni isn't to be seen in this class photo. Trust him to try and save on the 5 rupee charge per photo for primary school children. Fellow used to steal my dabba for the idlis everytime before long recess. Was overweight too last time i saw him in a bus in eleventh standard. And now after a gap of these many years he shows up on Orkut and threatens to travel down to my place for a shot at the idlis. Trust him to do just that.


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